Knowing How Long to Wait to Use Your Freshly Sodded Grass

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It’s a smart decision to put in new sod. A beautiful lawn doesn’t need to be erected immediately. Although it looks great right away, it will take some time before you can use it.

Before you plant the sod, it is important to make sure that it has established itself. The root system must be established before the lawn can receive heavy foot traffic or other activity.

Why should I wait?

Although it is well-known that your new lawn must be used before you can use it, a few people aren’t sure why. Waiting until your sod has established strong roots is a mistake.

You are decreasing your chances of success if you use your lawn before the roots are established.

It can take up to 10 days for a root system to develop properly. To ensure a strong root system, there are some things you can do.

  • For the first few weeks, water the sod often to keep it from drying out. Without proper watering, a root system can’t develop.
  • Don’t overwater the area. If the water is too high, the sod will not grow.
  • Before you install your sod, make sure to properly prepare the area. This will improve the quality of your lawn.

What Should I Wait?

It is recommended to wait at most two weeks before you use your lawn again. This is more of a guideline than anything. You should wait until your lawn takes root before you use it. Although it will likely take place within two weeks, it is best to confirm before you use your lawn.

To check if the sod has taken root, you can simply look at your own roots. Simply lift one corner of one piece of sod. You will find almost no resistance to lifting corners if there has been little or no root growth. If it is difficult to lift the corner, then the root system has developed properly.

To ensure that the grass is rooted evenly, you should do this to several pieces of sod.

Although you have to wait for 2 weeks, it is necessary to walk on your lawn in order to water it properly. It is a must. You just need to be gentle and minimally on your lawn.

Mow your lawn every 6-7 days following installation. This is an important step, so be careful when you mow your lawn for the first time.

It’s well worth the wait

It may seem long to wait for your lawn to grow before you can use it. It takes three to four times longer if you use seed before your lawn can be used.

It’s definitely better to wait for 2 weeks than it is to wait for 2 months. Be patient – the rewards are well worth it!

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