The Right Tips To Maintaining Your SOD Grass During All The Seasons

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The environment your lawn lives in and the treatments it receives will determine its appearance and health.

To ensure that your lawn is beautiful, you must take good care of it.

Watering your SOD Grass

Watering is crucial in establishing a lawn.Water sections during warm weather while you lay the sod. To check for water needs, lift a corner of the sod. For the first two weeks, the bottom of your sod should not be wet.

Insufficient watering can result in wilting and dead spots. Excessive watering can also cause poor root establishment and other problems. Consider the weather, soil and environmental factors when determining how much water you need to give your plants.

A physical inspection should determine your watering schedule. The following schedule will help you.

  • Give the soil a good soak on the first day to moisten it.
  • Water the plants 2-3 times a day until established.
  • Once the roots are established, you can water your lawn every morning after it has been mowed.
  • Even if you water less frequently or according to local watering regulations, it is important that you water your lawn every morning. Your lawn will be healthier and less stressed if it looks great.

Mowing your SOD Grass

After the sod is rooted in, it should immediately be mowed. This could take between 10 and 21 days. Pulling up a piece of soil can help you determine if it is well-rooted. Use a sharp blade when cutting your lawnmower.

It is recommended that you compost the clippings of a rotary lawnmower. If you have a reel mower that does not produce clumps, you can leave the clippings.

It is important to set the mower height at 1/3 of the recommended height. This will prevent damage, particularly during the initial installation. When you receive your lawn, it should be kept at 30mm (or 1.25′).

The lawn can be maintained between 30-60mm and 1.25-2.5inches depending on what you prefer. You can alter how often you mow your lawn depending on how fast it grows. It is important not to remove more than 1/3 of the leaf edge at once. If the lawn has grown too tall, reduce its height slowly.

Feeding your SOD Grass

To keep your lawn healthy and beautiful, you must provide it with sufficient nutrients. It is recommended to fertilize new sod at the time it was installed with “Sod or Seed Starter” fertilizer. After establishment, we recommend feeding your lawn every 4 to 6 weeks.

A spring fertilizer can be used between March and July and a fall fertilizer from August to October. The growth rate and overall appearance of your lawn will help you decide how often and how many fertilizers to apply. Regular balanced feeding is the key to beautiful lawns.

Proper year-round maintenance


Your lawn could be mossifered if it doesn’t get enough sun or is trimmed after winter. You should wait for the moss killer to work before moving on to the next step. If you notice your lawn is thinning, power-rake it.

After over-seeding, you may need to lightly topdress the seed. Poor soil conditions can lead to poor drainage. After you have removed dead grass and cores, it is time to aerate your lawn. The next step is to top-seed the lawn with sand, and then reseed. It is best to over seed between March and April.


You can reuse some of the spring maintenance steps if you have experienced turf loss. The best time to seed your autumn lawn is in September.

All tree leaves should be removed from your lawn. The grass should not be left on the ground too long. The grass will become matted and bare.

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