Pivotal Tips For New SOD Care

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Within 30 minutes of sod being laid, water it. You should water the turf with at least 1 inch of water. The soil should be at least 3″-4 inches below the surface. Turf is a living, breathing plant and needs moisture in order to thrive. You may have to water the areas that are not yet laid if it is extremely hot or dry.

Keep watering new sod two times per day: in the morning and after-hours. Deep watering is the best method until soil is saturated, but not too dry. Mornings are ideal as they have lower winds and the soil loses less water to evaporation. Avoid watering grass in the evening, as the excess water can cause disease and fungus.

After the sod has established roots in the soil, it will no longer require as much water. Once the sod has established (a few weeks after installation), you will not need to water it as often. This encourages roots to grow deeper, which makes the turf more resistant to drought.


It is important to use proper watering techniques.

  • No matter what irrigation system you use, ensure that water reaches all lawn areas. Sprinklers often miss corners and edges, which can lead to dry out. Reflected heat also helps to dry out areas near buildings.
  • Hand watering is not uniform and should be avoided
  • Professional installation and routine adjustments are required for in-ground systems. Make sure to check the alignment of sprinkler heads so that water is being applied to lawn and not to sidewalks, streets, or house-siding.
  • Early in the morning, between 6-8 a.m. The wind speeds are lower, and the water lost to evaporation is less. It is best to water in the evening as
  • it can encourage disease and fungus.
  • Deep watering is more effective than frequent, shallow watering. Roots can only grow as deep as they have access to water.

How quickly can you mow new sod in a short time?

When your new sod looks ready to be mowed (approximately one week after installation), you can mow it. If possible, you should use a walk behind power mower with a high cutting height (3 inches). A riding mower is not recommended as it can be too heavy and the powered wheels can cause damage to new sod. Regular mowing can be started after the sod has fully grown (approximately three weeks). To achieve the best results, cut 1/3 of the grass blade each mowing.

Also, keep your mower blades sharp. Spring and fall are the fastest growing seasons so you will need to increase your cutting frequency. To replenish nutrients to the root zone, grass clippings can be left on the lawn.

How often do new sod needs to be fertilized?

Feed your lawn three to four times per growing season to ensure your turf stays healthy. You should use a slow-release or controlled release form of Nitrogen whenever possible, especially in spring and autumn.

These holidays are a good time to fertilize.

  • Memorial Day: Suggested Fertilizer – 30-0-9 (N-P-K)
  • Labor Day: Suggested Fertilizer – 24-0-11 (N-P-K)
  • Halloween: Suggested Fertilizer – 24-0-11 (N-P-K)

If a late fall fertilization has not been done, a fourth application may be made in the spring (April Fool’s Day).

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and water-in fertilizer after every application.

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