Tips On Laying SOD Grass In The Winter

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The ideal time to sow is between April and October. However, sometimes it is not possible to wait until these months. Don’t panic if you find yourself in this situation.

When sodding during winter, the biggest challenge is to determine the health of your new sod.

Warm-season grasses can turn brown when they are dormant. This can lead to a difficult way to determine your health.

Our team of sod professionals will lay your sod grass by spring if you purchase it from a professional sod farm.

Our experts have put together a list with tips and tricks for caring for your lawn in the dormant seasons.

Tips to Laying and Caring For Sod in the Winter:

  1. To remove any trash, rocks or weeds from your sod bed, lightly till and grate it
  2. Before you lay the sod, test the soil’s pH to determine if lime or sulfur is needed to balance it.
  3. To create a brick wall-like pattern, lay sod grass pieces together.
  4. To press down on roots and reduce root loss, you can use a lawn roller after you have laid the sod.
  5. Remember: Do not Fertilize, Over-see or Apply Herbicides to Dormant Sod
  6. Water the sod after it has been laid every 7-10 days, without rain
  7. Keep your feet off the grass for at least one month after it has fully greened (usually May)
  8. These tips and care guidelines will help you reap the winter benefits of snowshoeing.
  9. You can also take advantage of the rainy winter and save money on your water bills. In the future, you will have a green lawn.

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