6 Crucial Things To Do To Help Take Care Of Your SOD Grass

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It can be easier to take care of a newly sodded lawn if you know what to do.

A new lawn can be a costly investment. You must take care of it in its early stages. New sod requires delicate care and proper nutrition. These six tips will make it easy for you and your wallet when purchasing new sod.


For 14 days, keep your sod mowed. To firm up the soil, reduce the amount you water. If you have sod laid in the winter, your wait time for your first mower will be longer. Never trim more than 1/3 of the grass blade.


Before you can control weeds on new sod, the root systems must be established. It will vary depending on the date that the sod was planted.

The pre-emergent phase should not be missed. You can expect lots of weeds in the first season if you miss this phase. When it comes to controlling weeds in the first season, you should be patient. It may seem daunting at first. It is important to maintain a good mowing and watering routine, as well as a complete cycle of pre-emergents. This will ensure that you get the best results.


Watering your seed is an important part of its care. Your new seed will thrive if you provide water. You must keep it hydrated. As the sod grows, your watering schedule may change. It is a smart idea to install irrigation for proper morning watering.


After watering, fertilization should immediately be performed. Because new sod is fragile, it must receive all nutrients. Use starter fertilizers rich in potassium, phosphorous.


The best time to stop using new turf is the first mow. Because of the root system, traffic on the lawn should be kept to a minimum.


It is possible for your sod to root in a different season than the one it was planted. During peak growth season, new sod can be set up in as little as four weeks. It may take longer if your winter lawn is in place. You can check if the sod is not rooted by gently tugging on the grass. Rooted grass will not pull up.

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