7 Amazing Ways to Get Thicker, Greener Grass

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How is your lawn looking today? Are you wishing you had thicker, greener grass?

You are not the only one. Everybody adores the luxurious lawns that can be walked on with naked feet, while enjoying a cold beverage.

You might be thinking that the grass is always greener over there than it is on your property or fence. Don’t worry. These lawn care tips can improve your lawn’s health, and make your grass greener on both ends of the fence. Maybe your lawn will be even a little greener.

Green grass is a sign that they take pride in their property and care for it.

It’s important to do everything year round that will improve a lawn’s health, even in summer heat. A thick lawn can only be nurtured by combining several things, as professionals know. When it comes to making grass greener, you need to use a combination of different strategies.

Properly Mow Your Lawn

Mowing your lawn is an easy task you may think you can do well. Your lawn’s performance can be affected by your mowing habits. Proper mowing can result in thicker grass.

Mowing your grass too short is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Your lawn can be put under stress if you cut your grass too short. This can lead to a yellow or dull lawn. This can increase the chance of weeds, which can cause additional headaches that you don’t want.

Your goal is to cut only one-third of your grass blades per week. The ideal time to mow is every other week. Your lawn type will dictate the height of your mowing height. To ensure a clean cut, your mower blades must be sharpened.

Water Grass Should Be Properly

Your lawn needs water just like plants do. The right amount of water is essential for grass.

Excessive humidity can cause turf disease by watering too late at night. If the sun is shining during the day, water can evaporate too fast before reaching the roots.

This makes early morning, just before sunrise, or at sunrise, the best time. This allows the grass roots to absorb water and the sun will burn away any water that has accumulated on the grass blades. It prevents disease from developing overnight.

It is better to water your grass less often and for a longer time so that it gets a good soak than more frequent, shallow waterings. A good idea is to water your grass one to two times per week, especially if Mother Nature doesn’t provide regular rain.

You can water your lawn for between 45-60 minutes and you will get a good soak. This is a variable. The sooner the soil dries out, the warmer and more windy the conditions. A good watering strategy can help you grow thicker grass.

Fertilize Grass Adequately

It might seem that lawns have all the nutrients they require to thrive. However, lawns can actually lose nutrients over time. A lawn requires the right nutrition to grow thicker and greener grass.

Enter fertilization. The complexity of fertilization can make it seem overwhelming. There are many types of fertilizer, each containing different amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These three nutrients are essential for lawn growth. There are two types of fertilizers: granular and liquid.

A good timing and the application of the right nutrients is essential to grow thicker, greener grass. How do you know which combination of nutrients to give and when?

This leads us to the next tip: a soil testing.

A Lawn Soil Testing is Essential

A soil test is an important step in determining the nutrients that your lawn needs and how fertilization can help to increase its density and color.

If your soil pH is low, fertilizer may not be effective in promoting greener grass. Low pH can limit the uptake of nutrients.

Most lawns are acidic. Limestone can be used to balance the soil’s pH.

Natural Green Systems Lawn & Pest is one of the few lawn care companies that conducts free soil testing on customers’ lawns to make sure their custom lawn care program meets those lawn’s needs.

Controlling lawn weeds, insects, and diseases

These tips will help you create a thicker and greener lawn. This will naturally reduce weeds, bugs and other diseases. These lawn pests will always be there, ready to invade your lawn if you show any signs of weakness.

Sometimes, some conditions can cause weed breakthroughs. In extreme cases, turf disease can occur.

These problems can be easily managed quickly by keeping an eye on them and being alert for potential solutions.

To keep weeds away, a lawn care professional can recommend a combination pre-emergent and post-emergent. There are few things that can ruin thick, green grass quicker than weeds and insects.

If necessary, aerate and over seed your lawn

To grow thicker, greener grass, water and nutrients must reach the roots of lawns. Lawns can become dense over time due to weather or traffic. This reduces the ability to access water and nutrients.

Annual aeration is the solution. This allows the lawn to breathe and breaks down the soil. Aeration can also create small holes that allow for easy over-seeding of thin or bare areas. On the path to thicker, greener grass, it is important not to forget about over-seeding and aeration.

Take care of the shady spots in your lawn

Sometimes, the conditions are not ideal for lawn growth. Perhaps the lawn was grown around young trees. As those trees grew, more shade was created, which limited the sun’s ability to reach the lawn. For thicker and greener grass, you need sunlight, nutrients, and water. You won’t achieve your goal if you take one.

The sun can be increased by raising or thinning trees, which can boost sunlight exposure.

Maybe thinning out the tree canopy is not enough. There may be an area in which grass is not able to grow. You might consider a different solution such as mulch, decorative gravel or hardscape.

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