7 Incredible Tips On When To Water New SOD Grass

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Water the turf within half an hour after it is laid on the soil. The turf should be watered every 2-3 cm. To ensure that the soil beneath the turf is moist, you should water it with 1 inch. The soil should measure between 7-10cm in height. The soil should be at least 3-4 inches below its surface.

Tip #1

Push a screwdriver or other sharp tool into the soil. The tool should be capable of pushing in and retaining moisture for 7-10 cm. Water may be needed to make the tool work (3-4 inches).

Tip #2

Whatever method of watering your lawn, ensure that it reaches all areas.

Sprinklers may miss corners and edges, and are less likely to dry your lawn faster than the middle. Also, areas near buildings may dry out quicker due to reflected heat and may require more water.

Tip #3

Runoff can occur in some soils, particularly if they are not adequately moist. By turning off water supply to runoff areas, you can save water and ensure soak-in. After waiting 30 minutes to one hour, you can apply the water again to the same location.

For the next two weeks, the soil beneath the turf should remain moist by providing it with daily or more frequent watering. For hot, dry or windy situations, you will need to water more frequently and in greater quantities.

Tip #4

As the turf roots into the soil, it will be difficult or impossible for you to pull back a corner. Tip #1: To check the soil’s moisture level, you can still use a pointed instrument by pushing it through the turf.

Tip #5

To maximize the benefits of normal grass growth cycles, get water as soon as you can in the morning. High-temperature evaporated water results in lower wind speeds and less water loss.

Tip #6

If the turf surface is too hot or cold you can reduce the temperature by lightly spraying the area (syringeing).

Watering your plants with a little water is not enough to replace regular, deep watering. This is particularly important in severe weather conditions.

The remaining growing seasons will see lawns thrive with just one inch of water per day. This water can come from rain or by applying water.

The water will be sufficient to maintain the grass’ health if it is applied correctly.

Tip #7

Regular, frequent watering is better than frequent, superficial watering. Roots can only grow as deep and as deep as the water supply.

A grass with deep roots will have more soil water to draw moisture from. This will enable it to withstand heat and drought.

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