Eliminating Unattractive Hot Spots On Your Lawn

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Hot SPots

Ever notice an area of your lawn that, for unknown reasons, exhibits drought stress; i.e., the leaf blades start to curl and look dry, while all around that area, the grass looks healthy, lush, and normal? Landscape professionals refer to these areas as “hot spots” or “localized dry spots.” These areas can be frustrating to a homeowner who has taken steps to ensure they have an irrigation system covering the entire lawn.

In the hot afternoon sun, patches of their lawn look as if it were not getting watered at all. Hot spots are often caused by irregular soil composition and are one reason you should test and amend your soil before putting down any new sod. Sandier grounds and lawns with steep slopes are also more susceptible to have areas with hot spots.

Another cause for hot spots is the damage caused by insects or diseases. Areas of your lawn that are still recovering from the injury caused by disease or insects are the first to succumb to drought stress.

Preventative Steps

The best way to prevent hot spots is to ensure a consistent soil profile rich in loamy, organic material. Second, do not overwater, which can lead to fungus, but ensure your lawn gets the water it needs. Next, be proactive in the use of systemic fungicides and broad-spectrum insecticides. We have listed a few recommended products below. Lastly, ensure your lawn receives an appropriate, year-round nutritional program that fortifies it to deal with environmental stresses.

Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns & Landscapes Concentrate offers control of a large variety of pests and kills over 260 insects upon contact. 

Spectracide Immunox Fungus Plus Insect Control for Lawns protects your lawn from common lawn diseases and kills insects upon contact.

Curative Steps

One way to combat hot spots in your lawn is to top-dress these spots with a compost-type material. The organic material in compost allows the grass to retain water more efficiently. Using low-quality topsoil is not recommended for top dressing because, with such topsoil, you may also bring weed seeds into the yard. Another great option is to provide fortified nutrients to the hot spots to help these areas deal with drought stress. Lawnifi® Recover such a product. Recover is used in a fertilization program throughout the summer months or can be spot-applied to damaged or stressed areas of your lawn. Lawnifi Recover contains a balanced NPK mixture of carbon, iron, manganese, and sulfur.

Lawnifi is a fertilizer program powered by Catalyst Technology. For optimal results, feed your lawn monthly during the active growing season (spring, summer, fall). Simply attach a hose to the sprayer top and apply evenly to your lawn.

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