Getting Your Winter SOD Grass Ready For Spring

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Sometimes it’s necessary to lay sod in winter while the grass is dormant. In the winter cold, lawns turn brown and are dormant.

As humans require sleep to rest, repair and recover, winter lawns need to conserve energy, water, and nutrients throughout the winter to ensure that they are ready for spring. Same goes for sod.

You should be aware of the potential problems that may prevent your dormant sod from establishing itself in your yard. You should prepare your soil by adding fertilizer, removing all debris, and watering it but not soaking.

If you decide to keep your sod in the shed till spring, you will need to take care of it to ensure that it doesn’t dry and that the roots don’t wither.

Preparing Lawn Seil

It is essential to test your soil pH, fertilize it, and add nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. So that you can get rid of embedded debris, you should till your soil around 4 to 6 feet . You should remove all weeds, rocks, and dead foliage.

The best way to level your soil is to remove all debris. This is crucial as you want your lawn to be firmly planted against it. Sodding uneven surfaces causes “hills” in your lawn. To ensure that your sod roots well, you will need a strong soil foundation.

Watering Your Garden

Do not soak the soil with water before laying the sod. You want to keep the top 2 inches of your sod moist after you have laid it. It can lead to root failure if it is given too much water.

Root breakdown refers to the fact that your sod isn’t getting enough oxygen. They will weaken, and eventually they will rot.

Winter snow is water-rich, but you might need to add up to a quarter inch of water per week, especially in the critical first two weeks.

Laying Your Sod

Spring is the ideal time to bring your stored sod out onto your lawn. You may have compelling reasons to not wait for spring to roll your stored sod onto your yard. In this case, you need to take extra precautions to ensure your sod establishes a root system in your soil.

This can prove difficult, as East Coast winters are unpredictable.

Even though the coast can freeze lawns, it doesn’t mean they have to be so hard that you can’t use a shovel. Extended warm-ups can trick your lawn into believing spring is just around the corner.

After you have determined that the risk-benefit analysis favors your side, fertilize and prepare your soil before transplanting the sod. Make sure to seal the seams so that water is evenly distributed. Your sod will adapt to watering soon after installation.

Remember to not overwater newly planted turf. It may take your sod several weeks to attach to your lawn’s soil. So be patient.

Final Thoughts

If you are unsure about when or if your winter sod should be laid, remember that you will need to measure, order and prepare your turfgrass to ensure it is installed and watered properly.

You should plan accordingly, as the coast winters can be very hard on lawn schedules.

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