Great Tips On How To Care For A New Sod Lawn

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A new, eye-catching sod lawn is a great investment for homeowners due to the many benefits it offers. It offers a stunning visual appeal, but also requires proper lawn care. It takes a lot to care for a sod lawn. We’ve collected the top ways to care for your sod lawn.

How to Install Your New Sod Lawn

Sod is fragile and should be installed immediately upon receiving. To keep your sod healthy, you should water it regularly. You should not keep the sod rolled up as heat can build up and cause turf damage.

After the sod is laid, you’ll want to start your irrigation system deep, about six inches below the soil, until the soil becomes too wet to walk on. You must ensure that you take care of your sod from the very beginning. If your lawn isn’t properly maintained, it can cause severe damage.

Post Sod Lawn Installation Tips

These are the most important tips for caring for your sod lawn during the first two weeks following installation. It is essential to have a regular watering schedule. It is almost impossible to overwater new sod. New sod only requires two waterings per day in the summer months.

In the spring and fall, watering is usually only once per day. You can water your lawn every 2-3 days in winter when it is below 60 degrees. This is necessary until the soil and root system of the sod grow.

What time can I mow my sod lawn?

After your installation, the first mow will usually take around 14 days. It will take longer if the mower is installed in winter. To ensure that your mower blades do not cut more than one third of the grass blade, you must set them high. This is the easiest way to cut new sod.

You will need to reduce the amount of water you give to the sod before it can settle. You should wait until your first mow before you water your new sod.

Routine Maintenance for Your Sod Lawn

It becomes much easier to maintain the new sod after three to four weeks. After each mowing, you should gradually reduce the frequency of your watering and increase the number of minutes per watering.

Roots can then be given deeper, less frequent soakings to encourage roots to grow further down and establish themselves in the soil. You can test how the process is progressing by giving your turf a tug. This will allow you to determine how deeply rooted it is. To ensure that the roots continue to grow and establish, fertilize your sod lawn every month.

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