Key Characteristics of Tifway 419 Bermuda

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Tifway 419 Bermuda

Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass with a fine to medium leaf texture. It is dark green, dense, and low-growing via rhizomes and stolons, the “runners” you may see branching out from a patch of grass. The root system is extensive and very deep. It is best adapted to hot, dry, or tropical climates. Bermuda best suits residential and commercial landscapes, golf courses, sports fields, parks, and recreation areas. It is an ideal sod for homes with children and pets.

Bermuda has excellent heat tolerance – up to 110 degrees – and performs best during periods of heat. It has a winter dormancy period and turns tan to brown at temperatures below 55 degrees.
It is highly drought resistant but also responds to irrigation in dry periods. It can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld, but with the return of a moisture supply, it will green up again. Bermuda requires full sun for most of the day in order to grow correctly and should not be used in a shady site. Bermuda is an excellent choice for yards with full sunlight and heavy traffic.

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