Outstanding Ways To Care For You New SOD Grass

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You might be wondering what to do next if you have recently installed new sod in your home or workplace. How can I keep my new sod thriving?

Care for new sod starts with knowing how to care for it.

Water your sod well for the first two weeks following installation. Sod usually takes between 10 and 2 weeks to root.

To help your new sod grow, we recommend that it be soaked as thoroughly as possible. We recommend watering 4 to 6 inches deep the first week. To check the moisture level, lift a corner of the soil and touch it.

It is best to wait for the new sod to take root. You should water your new sod every day for the first two weeks. Depending on the season, it may require additional watering daily.

You should stop watering roots after 10 days, as they will be looking for water.

After the sod has been in place for a few weeks, it is time to reduce the amount of watering. You will still need to water the sod at least three to five times per week depending on how long it has been there.

Deep watering is recommended in the morning and evening to prevent rapid evaporation. It will also help to maintain a healthy level of moisture for your sod. It usually takes several months for your sod’s to fully establish itself.

After your sod is established, you will be able to water less frequently. This is a good time to adjust your sprinklers and watering systems to improve your lawn. In adddition, it’s a great time to mow your grass more often and take care of other lawn maintenance such as fertilizing.

It is best to wait until the sod has established before you start mowing your lawn. Then, adjust the mower to the highest setting. A rotary mower should be used for the first few mows, diagonally to the installation of the sod.

Another tip: Never trim the lawn to less than one-third of the height of your plants when you mow. This can shock the plants and make them more susceptible to diseases. It can also reduce the lawn’s appearance.

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